I think I have a yeast infection

Yeast Infection
I think I have a yeast infection. I had vaginal itching earlier and it is itching again now. What should i do?


My name is Sarah,

 I have an increased amount of yellow discharge and the area is itchy. I’ve taken both doses of fluconazole about a week ago and my symptoms were gone for about a day and then came back again.




Thank you for contacting Aries Obgyn Clinic.

Just a couple quick questions

  • . When did the discharge start? Has it been constant or does it come and go?
  • Does the discharge have a noticeable odor? How would you describe its texture?
  • When did your last period start and end? Does it come regularly?

Dr. M.D.Mazumdar

Aries Obgyn Clinic



Hi Dr. Mazumdar,

My discharge has been noticeably different for about 3 days
yes, it’s a yellowy-white color that’s watery/creamy




Hi Jane,

Thank you for your reply:

  • Have you had any recent sexual activity or are there any changes in your sexual routine that could be related to these symptoms?
  • Is there any visible rash or sores?
  • Any vaginal odor?
     Are you currently using any vaginal products?
  • What  medicines, if any, are you on? Any antibiotics for any cause?

The area has been itchy since about 2 weeks.

About 1 month ago, I had a urinary tract infection and I took antibiotics for that.

I am not taking anything now.

There are no vaginal rashes.

There is a slight odor – maybe musty.

And , there hasn’t been any changes in my routine.





Did you have sexual intercourse recently before the symptoms started?

Is your pap smear normal?

Are you allergic to any medicine?

Dr. M.D.Mazumdar

Aries Obgyn Clinic

No, I have not had sexual intercourse since about 1 month.

my last pap smear was about a year ago and it was normal.

I am not allergic to any medicine, as far as I know.



Your symptoms are very suggestive of recurrent yeast infections due to a change in the vaginal ph.

The vaginal ph ( acidity) is maintained by healthy lactobacilli in the vaagina. If these lactobacilli die off due to any cause, such as by taking antibiotics, th ph will change and become less acidi. This allows unhealthy yeast to grow and casue repeated infection.

The fluconazole you had taken earlier managed to kill the yeast but since your ph was till abnormal, you ha a recurrent yeast infection.

Pease repeat the Fluconazole. Also, please use Monista cream twice daily.

More important , use using over the counter Boric acid 600 mg vaginal suppositories daily for seven days   – this will help ypour vaginal ph to become acidic.

Also taking a daily probiotic such as Culturelle Women’s Health Balance or Rephresh can help maintain a healthy vaginal pH and prevent future infections.

Avoid douching, alcohol, smoking, and sexual intercourse during the course of treatment.

.Take Vitamin C 500 mg daily to boost your immunity.

Dr. M.D.Mazumdar

Aries Obgyn Clinic


Thank you.

I will try the Monistat and Boric acid.

I hope the yeast clears up and I do not have a recurrent yeast infection again.



Please do, Sarah,

If your vaginal ph is kept normal, it is unlikely hat you will get another recurrent yeast  infection.

I am glad I could help.

Let me know if you need more information.

Dr. M.D.Mazumdar

Aries Obgyn Clinic



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