Can these be symptoms of pregnancy?

signs and symptoms of pregnancy
I Have Some Symptoms Of Pregnancy Like A Late Period, Sore Breast And Dizziness But My Pregnancy Test Is Negative


My periods are late by 5 days today. Pregnancy tests are negative. But I do have some symptoms of pregnancy like back ache, dizziness, headache,  sore breast etc. Do you think these symptoms could be due to pregnancy? Or something else? Should I be worried?

LN, 32 years, Canada


Can I get more details please?




I do have regular periods almost all the time but sometimes (rarely) I get a  delayed period for 2-3 days. But I have never had any symptoms of pregnancy like this time. I am not on any contraceptive. We have been married for more than a year and my husband and I would be very happy if we got pregnant. We have been trying for the last 6 months.

I do have some amount of stress – my mother not being well.

I am not on any medicine.



Your symptoms do sound like the symptoms of pregnancy. It is very likely that you have tested too soon and have got a false negative result. The best time to get a pregnancy test is after 7 days of a missed period.

Stress, though, can cause a delay in ovulation with a subsequent delay in the menstrual period in that month. The symptoms you have like backache etc. can also occur just before the periods so they cannot be definitely said to be symptoms of pregnancy.

Only a positive pregnancy test will be diagnostic of a pregnancy.

Please repeat the pregnancy test after another three day for a more accurate result and to see if these are symptoms of pregnancy.


Aries Clinic.

Thanks Doctor,

I will  let you know the results after  I test again.

You are welcome, Lyn.

Let me know if I can help you again.

Dr. Mazumdar



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